08 January 2012

Family Christmas Part II

After a week in Michigan, we ventured down to southern Illinois to visit John's side of the family. We had a great time...
visiting with babies...

cuddling with Grandpa...

riding his new tractor (naked, when possible)...

taking rides in his new wagon...

visiting with cousins and being one of the "big boys"...

duck hunting (he was so excited...sorry, the only pic we had was blurry)...

visiting with great aunts, uncles, and grandparents who spoiled him (and us)...

It was so great to get good quality time in. Thanks for everything!


The Speck Family said...

Looks like you guys had a great visit in Greenville--we will be there next year for Thanksgiving AND Christmas, so maybe our paths will cross!!! I always lose Tony to deer and pheasant hunting while we're there--I'm contemplating joining in next time :) Best wishes as you prepare for baby #2!

Joy said...

I love the naked tractor riding pic, too cute! Love you guys!

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