26 January 2012

Full Term

I've been so excited to write this post. Without all the details that sound like (okay, are!) complaining, the last couple weeks are hard on any pregnant woman. You're usually ready a couple weeks early and then the waiting begins. I told myself I wouldn't be anxious this go around because they are a lot easier to take care of inside your belly than out, but I just can't help it.

I am so excited to bring home the new addition to our family, and Josiah's new little sister. I'm so excited to have a baby in the house again, and I know we'll cherish it even more because we realize how fast they grow. I know it will be a huge adjustment for all of us, especially Josiah (prayers are appreciated), but it's also a gift from God to have a sibling. I find myself cuddling and spending great momma/son time with him lately, because I know it will never be "just us" again, but that much more fulfilling with another baby to love.

I had a wonderful experience with Josiah's delivery, in part because he was a surprise. I'll never forget the moments after he was born when we realized he was a boy and John and I were both crying for joy at our new gift from God. I know this will be equally memorable, but different, so please say a prayer for a safe, healthy, and non-eventful delivery for our daughter. Your prayers mean more than words can say.


Joy said...

I will be praying. Kris you look so beautiful! It feels like just yesterday I was there with you and you weren't even showing! How time has flown by! God's grace to you and the family and a safe delivery! Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Your post made me cry. Lol I'm such a baby. God bless your new life and I hope you have the delivery you hope for. Cam't wait to see the new little Germanceris.

The Speck Family said...

You look great! Best wishes!

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