28 March 2012

Comedy of Errors Outing

We've had a pretty steady stream of out-of-town family coming to visit, and I haven't had to go anywhere with the kiddos by myself, so I was excited to see how our first momma/babies' outing would go yesterday. I had to take Brooklyn to the doctor to be seen for a plugged tear duct and Josiah for a sinus infection. When I got there they told me they cancelled my appointment because the provider wasn't there (without a phone call to let me know!). They told me they'd try to "squeeze" us in, which my provider was gracious enough to see us. When she was finished diagnosing Brooklyn, she said she didn't have enough time to see Josiah because she had other patients waiting. I tried to schedule him another appointment and they said he wasn't enrolled in the clinic, yet he's been seen there for the last {almost} 2 years...hmph. They told me I had to call our insurance provider, AGAIN, to change him over to this clinic. I went to the pharmacy to pick up Brooklyn's eye drops and they told me the doctor didn't sign off on her meds, and we would have to wait. We had already been there almost two hours. She was poopy and hungry. He was cranky and sick of being tied into a stroller. We left with no meds and 2 sick kids. What a memorable first trip out!!!

On the bright side, I woke up this morning, re-enrolled Josiah into our clinic, went back to the doctor for him, and had a successful trip to Wal Mart with the kids. As they say in Mexico, "Si se puede!" (You can do it!) One day at a time and loving it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's horrible. I am so sorry that happened. Feels like every time I go to they make it longer than it needs to be and such a pain.I can't believe they just canceled your appointment like that. I would have raised some hell.

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